5 Extra ways to clean up disk space in Windows Server
Available diskspace usage is often an issue with Windows Server from 2012 and up. Here are five extra ways to clean up disk space in Windows Server.
List all MAC addresses of all Hyper-V Virtual Machines
You sometimes need to list and get all MAC addresses of all Hyper-V virtual machines in your network. Either for your Hyper-V administration or provisioning if you don't set an unique MAC address automatically. Here is how to get all those MAC addresses easily with PowerShell.
How to install IIS URL Rewrite Module on Windows Server 2016 & IIS 10
When you start to play with Windows Server 2016 and IIS 10, you'll get an error when you try to install the IIS URL Rewrite Module in IIS. The error occurs because the URL Rewrite Module installer contains an invalid version check for the IIS being used. Here is how to install IIS URL Rewrite Module 2 in IIS 10...
PowerShell blacklist check script: find an IP address' blacklist status & reputation
Here's a blacklist check script written in PowerShell. You can use this to lookup an IP address in various blacklists (DNSBL, RBL). Such a check is a great indicator for an IP address' reputation. Basically this PowerShell blacklist checker is a port of my Bash script to check an IP address blacklist status in Linux.
AppCmd introduction and examples
The `AppCmd.exe` command is your one-stop-shop for administering Windows Server IIS web servers. In combination with WinRM it's your Swiss Army knife for your daily routine. This post introduces appcmd and provides you with a lot of helpful appcmd examples.
Get current number of FTP client connections (NonAnonymous) with PowerShell and Get-Counter
Ever wanted to know the current number of active FTP client connections on your Windows Server IIS FTP Service? You can get this statistic using PowerShell, the `Get-Counter` cmdlet and the Microsoft FTP Service Current NonAnonymous Users performance counter.
Simple PowerShell introduction for Windows Server administration, automation and scripting
Windows PowerShell is an important tool in Windows Server for administrators. You can use PowerShell for Windows Server administration, software installation, automation, and shell/command-prompt scripting.
How to install Microsoft's SQL Server Driver for PHP
This post walks you through the steps necessary to install the SQL Server driver and SQLSRV extension for PHP 7+, on Windows Server IIS of course.
Generate pseudo-random passwords with OpenSSL
OpenSSL comes in handy when you need to generate random passwords, for example for system accounts and services. In this short post I'll give you a quick example on how to generate random passwords with OpenSSL in Linux (Bash), Windows and PHP.
PowerShell return value, exit code, or ErrorLevel equivalent
Here is how you can verify whether an external command in PowerShell was executed successfully or not by checking its errorlevel. Simply by verifying the PowerShell exit code using the $? operator or $LASTEXITCODE.
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