
Moving away from WordPress

Yes, I'm moving Sysadmins of the North away from WordPress and migrate to another CMS.

How to extend TinyMCE in Piranha CMS?

In Piranha CMS you can easily extend TinyCME with additional plugins, here is how.

ASP.NET web application monitoring in Zabbix, part 2

When you host multiple websites in IIS, and you need to monitor them, Zabbix is one of your options. In Zabbix, you can take advantage of Windows Server performance counters. And in this article I show you some important Windows performance counters you can use to monitor your ASP.NET web application in Zabbix.

Hugo development environment in WSL 2

Using WSL it is pretty easy to install Hugo, set up your development environment and configure Hugo to listen on your Ubuntu's IP address, here is how.

How to fix System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException "The given key was not present in the dictionary" Exception with MySQL Connector/NET and utf8mb4 character set

MySQL Connector/NET and utf8mb4 character set can cause an exception System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException "The given key was not present in the dictionary".

SSL in WordPress: how to move WordPress to HTTPS? The definitive guide

Having an SSL certificate in your WordPress is the de-facto standard nowadays, did you know that? Google ranks sites having HTTPS higher in their SERP. But in WordPress, how do you configure an SSL certificate and HTTPS URL? You'll learn the important steps to move WordPress from http to https in this post.

AppCmd introduction and examples

The `AppCmd.exe` command is your one-stop-shop for administering Windows Server IIS web servers. In combination with WinRM it's your Swiss Army knife for your daily routine. This post introduces appcmd and provides you with a lot of helpful appcmd examples.

Minify WP-Super-Cache HTML cache files: WPSCMin a WP-Super-Cache plugin

The WordPress WP-Super-Cache cache plugin doesn't minify HTML cache files, which I find a disadvantage. Knowing minify libraries, I went looking for an existing solution (why reinvent the wheel?), and found one: WPSCMin. Read on ...


PHP 5.6 default_charset change may break HTML output

An important note for everyone who's upgrading from PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.5, to PHP 5.6. The PHP `default_charset` in php.ini changed from "empty" to UTF-8, making UTF-8 the default charset in PHP. This may break HTML output if you try to set a different charset in your HTML head. It may also break functions like htmlentities() and htmlspecialchars.

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS

In this post I provide you various HTTP to HTTPS redirection methods, for Windows Server IIS and Linux Apache. Use these examples to your advantage to secure the traffic between your visitors and your website.
windows-server (96) iis (80) powershell (76) php (54) wordpress (45) mysql (36) windows (34) performance (28) linux (23) web.config (23) Website (22) htaccess (20) aspnet (19) url-rewrite-module (19) sql-server (18) bash (18) optimization (18) ssl (17) plugin (13) windows-10 (12) devops (11) monitoring (11) security (10) gnu-linux (10) appcmd (10) wsl (9) smtp (9) wincache (9) wmi (8) zabbix (8) windows-update (8) opcache (8) openssh (7) database (7) dism (7) iis-60 (7) sysops (6) wsus (6) apache (6) hyper-v (6) virtualization (6) spam (6) functions-php (6) classic-asp (6) ddos (6) password (5) email (5) active-directory (5) joomla (5) command-line (5) application-pool (5) blacklist (5) t-sql (4) wql (4) https (4) group-policy (4) backup (4) connector-net (4) debug (4) logparser (4) network-adapter (4) dns (4) query_cache (4) ghost (4) iisnode (4) node-js (4) vbscript (3) umbraco (3) windows-firewall (3) brute-force (3) ftp (3) postfix (3) forensics (3) benchmark (3) xss (3) disk-cleanup (3) disk-space (3) sql-injection (3) openssl (2) net-core (2) visual-studio (2) windows-defender (2) rdp (2) connector-odbc (2) c (2) mysqldump (2) xml-rpc (2) smb (2) cross-site-scripting (2) innodb (2) httpbl (2) centos (2) magento (2) denial-of-service (2) deployment (2) windows-deployment-services (2) mysqli (2) open-xchange (2) waf (2) web-application-firewall (2) windows-11 (1) ipv6 (1) networking (1) sqlce (1) tinymce (1) Prianha-CMS (1) kvm (1) http-3 (1) quic (1) wmsvc (1) database-mirroring (1) service-principal-names (1) spn (1) jetpack (1) api (1) kms (1) elasticsearch (1) red-hat (1) varnish-cache (1) dhcp (1) jquery (1)