Query all WordPress posts in MySQL not having a Yoast SEO meta description
If you just started using Yoast SEO it's sometimes nice to know which posts don't have a meta description yet. Knowing this, you can add the description which is good for your SEO results. Here is a query you can use to query all posts in WordPress not having a Yoast SEO meta description yet. You can run this on your MySQL prompt or in phpMyAdmin.
Disable WordPress XCloner Plugin logger in MySQL / phpMyAdmin
If XCloner Logger option is enabled, it will store a log file inside the xcloner-XXXXX folder inside the backup archive. This can generate a huge amount of temporary files and log files, slowing down your file system.
Disable Joomla Contacts component (com_contact) in MySQL / phpMyAdmin
The built-in Joomla contact forms component (com_contact) is abused by spammers, I explain how to disable these forms and combat this abuse.
How to Fix Yoast SEO for WordPress DeleteDuplicateIndexables MySQL error
A possible fix for Yoast broken DeleteDuplicateIndexables statement
Reduce Wordfence CPU usage, disable Wordfence "Live Traffic View"
The Wordfence "Live Traffic Options" ("Traffic logging mode") feature can cause high CPU usage and load issues for WordPress websites.
ASP and ASP.NET connectionstring examples for Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL
A connectionstring is sometimes a bit obscure. Do I need ODBC or OLE DB? When you need one and Google for it, you often find old ones that either don't work at all anymore, or are not optimal. This article provides you with a couple of ASP.NET to SQL Server connectionstring examples, and as a bonus for ASP to MySQL too.
MySQL Connector/ODBC C# test script
Quickly test the MySQL database connection from ASP.NET using this C# test script. It utilizes the MySQL ODBC 8.0 Unicode Driver and SslMode is available.
How to use SSL in PHP Data Objects (PDO) mysql
If you want to connect securely to your MySQL database using PHP Data Objects (PDO), here is how to connect to MySQL with PHP PDO using an SSL encrypted connection.
Restore single MySQL table from a full mysqldump backup file
If you need to restore a single table from a full MySQL backup, you may find yourself wondering "how do I do that?". There are a few steps required, I outline them here for you to restore the contents of just one table back into the database from the mysqldump using Bash.
Optimized WordPress hosting (9+ practical tips)
Optimized WordPress hosting is a subject on which a lot is written about. And therefore, this post is not about where to host your WordPress blog, or who offers the best WordPress hosting. This post is for _you_ developers, what _you_ can do to optimize your WordPress hosting. Or for any other PHP web application for that matter.
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