Disable Joomla Contacts component (com_contact) in MySQL / phpMyAdmin
The built-in Joomla contact forms component (com_contact) is abused by spammers, I explain how to disable these forms and combat this abuse.
Delete spam comments after three (3) days
Change Akismet interval to three days instead of 15 days for deleting spam comments using the akismet_delete_comment_interval filter
Remove Jetpack email sharing service
Recently the WordPress Jetpack email sharing service is often abused by spammers. They use the Send to Email Address for sending spam. All these kind of "Tell a Friend" scripts are abused a lot. Here is how to disable email share service in Jetpack.
PowerShell blacklist check script: find an IP address' blacklist status & reputation
Here's a blacklist check script written in PowerShell. You can use this to lookup an IP address in various blacklists (DNSBL, RBL). Such a check is a great indicator for an IP address' reputation. Basically this PowerShell blacklist checker is a port of my Bash script to check an IP address blacklist status in Linux.
Clean-up WordPress spam comments and meta data
How to delete WordPress spam comments and meta data with phpMyAdmin. A lot of WordPress spam comments and meta data will keep your WordPress database huge, and slows down your site. It's best to delete spam comments regularly, but if you're facing hundreds of thousands spam comments, here is how to delete them all in bulk.
Check IP address blacklist status in Bash
Here is a Linux Bash shell script to check whether an IP address is listed in a DNSBL blacklist, or RBL. Using this script in Bash you can quickly test if an IP address is blacklisted.
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