Send email with PowerShell
Easily send your DevOps reporting by email with this PowerShell function, because the Send-MailMessage cmdlet is obsolete. Of course you'll be using StartTLS and authenticated SMTP as additional security.
Release hold queue email in Postfix - postsuper
The `postsuper` command controls different types of queues in the Postfix mail system, like the deferred or hold queue. This post shows you some Postfix queue operations to maintain your mail servers.
Remove Jetpack email sharing service
Recently the WordPress Jetpack email sharing service is often abused by spammers. They use the Send to Email Address for sending spam. All these kind of "Tell a Friend" scripts are abused a lot. Here is how to disable email share service in Jetpack.
Send authenticated SMTP email over TLS from WordPress
Learn how to override wp-mail() and send secure email using authenticated SMTP and StartTLS from WordPress.
Add (custom) headers to MailMessage class
System.Net.Mail sometimes lacks important email headers like the Message-Id. This post shows you how to add them and improve email delivery from websites.
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