
Test if a port is open with PowerShell

Learn how to use PowerShell Test-NetConnection to test if a TCP port is open

IPv6 support for WSL2! 🥳

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 2 now has native support for IPv6! 🥳

Get SQL database backup details with PowerShell

Whenever I need to restore an SQL Server .bak backup file, I want to know some properties of the backup file to make sure I'm working with the correct file(s). Luckily, the .bak file and PowerShell provide all the information I need, so I don't have to start a Restore procedure in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) just to view the header information. As you know, SSMS is slow...

Get IIS Current Connections using PowerShell

Use Get-Counter in PowerShell to get the current number of connections to IIS hosted websites. This information is stored in Windows Server Performance Counters, and you can get it using `Get-Counter` cmdlet in PowerShell of course. But in post I'll show you a different - and perhaps even faster - method using CIM and Win32_PerfRawData_W3SVC_WebService. Read on...

Install SSL/TLS certificates in Windows Server using PowerShell

The following PowerShell snippet can be used to quickly install an SSL (or TLS) certificate in Windows Server. It assumes you have a PFX file and its password. The default location is Cert:\LocalMachine\My, to use for IIS websites.

Tune Windows Server TCP/IP and IIS

In this small post I'll guide you through the various Windows Server and IIS configuration settings, for an optimized network performance, high performance websites and high volume of web requests.

Install Windows Updates using PowerShell

You can use PowerShell to install Windows Updates automatically, unattended and simple. Neat, right? For this, you don't have to have an enterprise environment with WSUS, or Windows Server, but since this is Sysadmins of the North, I assume you do. In this post I'm show you how to install Windows Updates with PowerShell and the PSWindowsUpdate module.

Create an additional SQL Server Login

Here is a small T-SQL snippet that creates such a login for contained databases in SQL Server and adds memberships.

Configure Windows Debugging Symbols in WinDbg

In this article I explain how to set up debugging symbols for WinDbg in Windows.

Connect to a KVM host through an ssh tunnel and arbitrary port in Windows 11 and WSL 2

If you need to connect virt-manager to a KVM host over ssh in Windows, then Windows 11 and WSL 2 made things a whole lot easier for you. Even if you need to connect virt-manager through an ssh tunnel and arbitrary port because your network is reachable only through a bastion host with ssh key authentication. Here is how.
windows-server (114) iis (80) powershell (77) php (55) wordpress (49) mysql (36) windows (34) performance (28) linux (23) web.config (23) Website (22) htaccess (20) bash (19) aspnet (19) url-rewrite-module (19) sql-server (18) optimization (18) ssl (17) gnu-linux (14) plugin (14) windows-10 (12) devops (11) monitoring (11) security (10) appcmd (10) wsl (9) smtp (9) wincache (9) wmi (8) zabbix (8) windows-update (8) opcache (8) openssh (7) database (7) dism (7) functions-php (7) iis-60 (7) sysops (6) wsus (6) apache (6) hyper-v (6) virtualization (6) spam (6) classic-asp (6) ddos (6) password (5) email (5) active-directory (5) umbraco (5) joomla (5) command-line (5) application-pool (5) blacklist (5) t-sql (4) wql (4) https (4) group-policy (4) backup (4) connector-net (4) debug (4) logparser (4) network-adapter (4) dns (4) query_cache (4) ghost (4) iisnode (4) node-js (4) vbscript (3) windows-firewall (3) brute-force (3) ftp (3) postfix (3) forensics (3) benchmark (3) xss (3) disk-cleanup (3) disk-space (3) sql-injection (3) openssl (2) net-core (2) visual-studio (2) windows-defender (2) rdp (2) connector-odbc (2) c (2) mysqldump (2) xml-rpc (2) smb (2) cross-site-scripting (2) innodb (2) httpbl (2) centos (2) magento (2) denial-of-service (2) deployment (2) windows-deployment-services (2) mysqli (2) open-xchange (2) waf (2) web-application-firewall (2) code-base (1) windows-11 (1) ipv6 (1) networking (1) sqlce (1) tinymce (1) Prianha-CMS (1) kvm (1) http-3 (1) quic (1) wmsvc (1) database-mirroring (1) service-principal-names (1) spn (1) jetpack (1) api (1) kms (1) red-hat (1) varnish-cache (1) elasticsearch (1) dhcp (1) jquery (1)