Send email with Ghost using SMTP authentication and TLS encryption
Ghost Publishing platform uses Nodemailer to send e-mails with Node.js. It can send e-mail using SMTP, sendmail or Amazon SES and is Unicode friendly. As you know, more and more web hosting providers require SMTP authentication (often abbreviated as SMTP AUTH) and a TLS encrypted connection to send email. Here you'll find some script examples to Send secure SMTP email from your website.
Export and migrate WordPress to Ghost
I wanted migrate from WordPress to Ghost, but failed. Here's the write up.
Install Node.js, iisnode module and Ghost on Windows Server / IIS
This post describes the steps necessary to install Node.js and Ghost Publishing Platform on Windows Server IIS. Ghost is a Node.js web application, specific for just blogging. To run Node.js applications in IIS, you need iisnode as a module. Here is how to install all of this.
How to send authenticated SMTP over a TLS encrypted connection, in PHP, ASP and ASP.NET?
Learn how to send email securely from your website using TLS with ASP.NET, PHP, WordPress and Classic ASP!
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