
Delete spam comments after three (3) days

Change Akismet interval to three days instead of 15 days for deleting spam comments using the akismet_delete_comment_interval filter

Remove Jetpack email sharing service

Recently the WordPress Jetpack email sharing service is often abused by spammers. They use the Send to Email Address for sending spam. All these kind of "Tell a Friend" scripts are abused a lot. Here is how to disable email share service in Jetpack.


Measure WordPress loading time and queries

During an HTTP request, WordPress executes a lot of queries on your MySQL database. Not just the database queries take time, also loading and executing PHP takes time. How to measure WordPress loading time and executed database queries?

How to add conditional analytics tracking code in WordPress Multisite

Learn how to conditionally add Google Analytics tracking code to your WordPress Multisite

Display commas in WordPress tags

How to use a tag with a comma in it in WordPress? Normally, in WordPress all tags are comma seperated: php, wordpress, website, functions.php. But what if you need to use a tag with commas in it? For instance "cafe, bar, restaurants". Easy, create a filter in your WordPress functions.php, and here is how...

How to load google-code-prettify syntax highlighting without plugins

If you run a WordPress blog where you display (parts of) source code, syntax highlighting is a must! It prettifies the code which makes it easier to read and it distinguishes code from text. However, most syntax highlighting is made available through plugins, and we all know too many plugins bring a lot of overhead to your blog.
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