Monitor website performance in IIS with Zabbix
Zabbix is a great tool to monitor your website performance on IIS using Performance Counters, PowerShell and WMI.
Monitor SQL Server and databases in depth using Zabbix
Whether you run a .NET web application or administer a webserver that hosts .NET web applications, it is important to keep an eye out for memory usage. As developers and systems administrators we're all too familiar with OutOfMemoryException. As the name suggests, the exception is thrown when a .NET application runs out of memory, something you don't want to happen.
Increase WMI memory to support large volume of queries
Learn how to fix memory issues and subsequent crashes in WMI / WmiPrvse.exe by increasing available memory and handles
Getting more out your Windows Performance Counters monitoring for web applications - part 3
Zabbix monitoring for your websites and ASP.NET applications in IIS using _Process Performance Counter.
Monitor IIS application pools in Zabbix, part 1
Here is a small introduction to query the number of running w3wp.exe processes per IIS application pool in Zabbix so you can start monitoring Microsoft Windows Server IIS with Zabbix.
WMI Filters for Group Policy to manage Windows Server versions
This post contains some example WMI filters for you to use in Group Policy Objects (GPOs) to target and manage specific Windows Server versions like 2012R2, 2016 and Windows Server 2022/2019.
How to detect ethernet network speed in Windows
Being able to detect the ethernet network speed using PowerShell or WMI is perfect for Windows Server Core. If you ever need to lookup the speed of your ethernet network card in Windows, on the command-prompt, use one of the following PowerShell / WMIC commands.
WMI/netsh to add DNS servers on network adapters
How to add DNS servers -or resolvers- to a Windows Server network adapter, or interface using WMI and the netsh
command annd PowerShell. This one is quite old but may come in handy sometimes. In this example we use Google's Public DNS server addresses and localhost to add as DNS Servers on our server's interfaces.
windows-server (114)
iis (80)
powershell (77)
php (55)
wordpress (49)
mysql (36)
windows (34)
performance (28)
linux (23)
web.config (23)
Website (22)
htaccess (20)
bash (19)
aspnet (19)
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optimization (18)
ssl (17)
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plugin (14)
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monitoring (11)
security (10)
appcmd (10)
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wincache (9)
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zabbix (8)
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opcache (8)
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database (7)
dism (7)
functions-php (7)
iis-60 (7)
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password (5)
email (5)
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umbraco (5)
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command-line (5)
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backup (4)
connector-net (4)
debug (4)
logparser (4)
network-adapter (4)
dns (4)
query_cache (4)
ghost (4)
iisnode (4)
node-js (4)
vbscript (3)
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ftp (3)
postfix (3)
forensics (3)
benchmark (3)
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disk-space (3)
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openssl (2)
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visual-studio (2)
windows-defender (2)
rdp (2)
connector-odbc (2)
c (2)
mysqldump (2)
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smb (2)
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innodb (2)
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centos (2)
magento (2)
denial-of-service (2)
deployment (2)
windows-deployment-services (2)
mysqli (2)
open-xchange (2)
waf (2)
web-application-firewall (2)
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windows-11 (1)
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networking (1)
sqlce (1)
tinymce (1)
Prianha-CMS (1)
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quic (1)
wmsvc (1)
database-mirroring (1)
service-principal-names (1)
spn (1)
jetpack (1)
api (1)
kms (1)
red-hat (1)
varnish-cache (1)
elasticsearch (1)
dhcp (1)
jquery (1)