
Install IIS in Windows 11 using PowerShell

Have a need for IIS in your Windows 11 development station, and now you wonder how to install IIS? Here I describe how you can easily install IIS and some modules using PowerShell

Test if a port is open with PowerShell

Learn how to use PowerShell Test-NetConnection to test if a TCP port is open

Install SSL/TLS certificates in Windows Server using PowerShell

The following PowerShell snippet can be used to quickly install an SSL (or TLS) certificate in Windows Server. It assumes you have a PFX file and its password. The default location is Cert:\LocalMachine\My, to use for IIS websites.

Send email with PowerShell

Easily send your DevOps reporting by email with this PowerShell function, because the Send-MailMessage cmdlet is obsolete. Of course you'll be using StartTLS and authenticated SMTP as additional security.

Connect to a KVM host through an ssh tunnel and arbitrary port in Windows 11 and WSL 2

If you need to connect virt-manager to a KVM host over ssh in Windows, then Windows 11 and WSL 2 made things a whole lot easier for you. Even if you need to connect virt-manager through an ssh tunnel and arbitrary port because your network is reachable only through a bastion host with ssh key authentication. Here is how.

Windows 11/10 and WSL 2 DevOps environment

In this post I describe some of the settings and changes I made to make my Windows 10 and Ubuntu WSL into a fully fledged development environment. Here are the settings and tools I use for DevOps/SysOps on Windows.

YubiKey support in OpenSSH for Windows 11 and Windows 10

Now Win32-OpenSSH has decent support for FIDO/U2F hardware authenticators you can finally use your YubiKey for SSH authentication in Windows 11, jeej! Here is how.

How to share OpenSSH keys with WSL in Windows 10

Don't want to copy over your ssh keys from Windows to WSL 2 Linux? Or generate new ones? Then share your Windows OpenSSH key with WSL 2! The OpenSSH config gives you the option to share keys using an IdentityFile directive. Here is how you can share your SSH keys between Windows 11/10 and WSL 2.

Sysadmins of the North goes global!

How to set up a global Geolocation DNS load balancing Varnish Cache Content Delivery Network with Bind9, geo-ip database, Varnish Cache and DigtalOcean. DIY High-Availability for your website!

Convert MySQL MyISAM tables to InnoDB

In the earlier days of MySQL, the default storage engine for your database tables was "MyISAM". InnoDB is the engine to use now, and MyISAM is no longer actively developed. Therefore all MySQL optimizations are for InnoDB, and it's recommended to switch from MyISAM to this InnoDB storage engine for your MySQL database tables. Follow this tutorial on how to convert from MyISAM to InnoDB.
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