
Get SQL database backup details with PowerShell

Whenever I need to restore an SQL Server .bak backup file, I want to know some properties of the backup file to make sure I'm working with the correct file(s). Luckily, the .bak file and PowerShell provide all the information I need, so I don't have to start a Restore procedure in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) just to view the header information. As you know, SSMS is slow...

Create an additional SQL Server Login

Here is a small T-SQL snippet that creates such a login for contained databases in SQL Server and adds memberships.

Manually failover all databases in an SQL Server Database Mirroring configuration

A manual SQL Server failover can only be initiated from the principal server, and the mirrored database must be synchronized (that is, when the database is in the SYNCHRONIZED state). In this article I will show you how to manual failover mirrored SQL Server databases using Transact-SQL (T-SQL) in SQL Server 2017 and up.

Drop all tables, SPs, triggers, constraints and dependencies in one SQL statement

Drop all tables, SPs, triggers, constraints and dependencies in an SQL Server database in one SQL statement.
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