Get Hyper-V guest serial number with PowerShell
Tunnel RDP through SSH & PuTTY
How to tunnel Remote Desktop over SSH with PuTTY? Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to perform remote administration on a Windows Server, and the RDP port 3389 is blocked on a firewall? You can tunnel RDP over SSH with PuTTY. This particularly comes in handy when there is no VPN available to the remote network...
Monitor Windows services with PowerShell
PowerShell Get-FsrmQuota and Set-FsrmQuota
Set IIS Application Pool recycle defaults to Specific Times, not Regular Time Interval
Software deployment through WDS
In my environment, I had to set up a new Windows Deployment Services (WDS) configuration for Windows 8.1 Enterprise. To roll out in our office (some 20+ workstations). I wanted to install some additional software at the same time, without using Microsoft Deployment Workbench, because I find the interface too slow. The solution? Read on...
PowerShell: find all files owned by a particular user
Disk Cleanup in Windows Server
WMI/netsh to add DNS servers on network adapters
How to add DNS servers -or resolvers- to a Windows Server network adapter, or interface using WMI and the netsh
command annd PowerShell. This one is quite old but may come in handy sometimes. In this example we use Google's Public DNS server addresses and localhost to add as DNS Servers on our server's interfaces.