windows-server (Page 4)

Delete saved RDP credentials from Windows 10 Credentials Manager, using cmdkey

Execute the following command in an elevated `cmd.exe` command-prompt terminal to quickly delete all saved Remote Desktop credentials from your Windows 10 Credentials Manager

Getting more out your Windows Performance Counters monitoring for web applications - part 3

Zabbix monitoring for your websites and ASP.NET applications in IIS using _Process Performance Counter.

Install OpenSSH in Windows Server

OpenSSH is an ideal and secure way of performing remote maintenance & administration on your servers. Even on Windows Server! :-)

Emulate ternary operator in PowerShell

For example when determinering if the server you are servicing is a Windows Server Desktop Experience version or Server Core

Force BITS to download WSUS updates in the foreground in Windows Server

WSUS uses BITS for downloading updates, and it does so in background mode. Unfortunately, this utilizes remaining bandwidth of the server instead of its full capacity. To speed up WSUS downloads, you can configure BITS in WSUS to use foreground priority.

Securing privileged access

Protect your privileged admin credentials!

Quickly view all symbolic links, junctions points and hard links in a folder

When you migrating a file server and transfering data, you may need to recreate junction points, as they cannot be copied using (for example) Robocopy. This makes it a must to know where you have junction points, and that is where PowerShell and even plain old cmd.exe DIR come to the rescue.

Find vulnerable WordPress plugin versions fast using PowerShell

Use PowerShell to find vulnerable WordPress plugins on your Windows webserver fast, because on a daily bases, new vulnerabilities are found in WordPress plugins and you can count on the fact you have customers using that vulnerable version of that particular plugin.

Disallow direct access to PHP files in wp-content/uploads/

It's recommended to disallow access to and execution of PHP files in wp-content/uploads folder. Preferably without the use of a security plugin. Blocking access to PHP files in WordPress wp-content/uploads folder is easily achieved with .htaccess on Linux Apache, or `web.config` accesssPolicy in Windows Server IIS. And here is how.

WMI Filters for Group Policy to manage Windows Server versions

This post contains some example WMI filters for you to use in Group Policy Objects (GPOs) to target and manage specific Windows Server versions like 2012R2, 2016 and Windows Server 2022/2019.
windows-server (113) iis (80) powershell (77) php (55) wordpress (48) mysql (36) windows (34) performance (28) linux (23) web.config (23) Website (22) htaccess (20) aspnet (19) url-rewrite-module (19) sql-server (18) bash (18) optimization (18) ssl (17) gnu-linux (13) plugin (13) windows-10 (12) devops (11) monitoring (11) security (10) appcmd (10) wsl (9) smtp (9) wincache (9) wmi (8) zabbix (8) windows-update (8) opcache (8) openssh (7) database (7) dism (7) iis-60 (7) sysops (6) wsus (6) apache (6) hyper-v (6) virtualization (6) spam (6) functions-php (6) classic-asp (6) ddos (6) password (5) email (5) active-directory (5) umbraco (5) joomla (5) command-line (5) application-pool (5) blacklist (5) t-sql (4) wql (4) https (4) group-policy (4) backup (4) connector-net (4) debug (4) logparser (4) network-adapter (4) dns (4) query_cache (4) ghost (4) iisnode (4) node-js (4) vbscript (3) windows-firewall (3) brute-force (3) ftp (3) postfix (3) forensics (3) benchmark (3) xss (3) disk-cleanup (3) disk-space (3) sql-injection (3) openssl (2) net-core (2) visual-studio (2) windows-defender (2) rdp (2) connector-odbc (2) c (2) mysqldump (2) xml-rpc (2) smb (2) cross-site-scripting (2) innodb (2) httpbl (2) centos (2) magento (2) denial-of-service (2) deployment (2) windows-deployment-services (2) mysqli (2) open-xchange (2) waf (2) web-application-firewall (2) code-base (1) windows-11 (1) ipv6 (1) networking (1) sqlce (1) tinymce (1) Prianha-CMS (1) kvm (1) http-3 (1) quic (1) wmsvc (1) database-mirroring (1) service-principal-names (1) spn (1) jetpack (1) api (1) kms (1) red-hat (1) varnish-cache (1) elasticsearch (1) dhcp (1) jquery (1)