powershell (Page 3)

Remove computer object from Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) in PowerShell

Here is a short PowerShell snippet for you to remove a computer object from Windows Server Update Services (WSUS).

How to add, list and remove IP addresses in Windows Firewall

How to bulk add IP addresses in Windows Firewall, list an IP address and how to remove all IP addresses from Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security

Block brute force attacks on SQL Server, block IP addresses in Windows Firewall using PowerShell

This PowerShell solution blocks IP addresses that are trying to brute-force your SQL Server logins, by blocking IP addresses in Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security.

Windows Defender: Turn off routine remediation (DisableRoutinelyTakingAction)

You can turn off Windows Defender routine remediation using a GPO setting called "DisableRoutinelyTakingAction". This policy setting allows you to configure whether Microsoft Defender Antivirus automatically takes action on all detected threats.

Increase WMI memory to support large volume of queries

Learn how to fix memory issues and subsequent crashes in WMI / WmiPrvse.exe by increasing available memory and handles

Install and setup IIS Manager for Remote Administration in Windows Server IIS (step by step)

You can use IIS Manager to administer various components of your website through a graphical user interface (GUI) if it's hosted in Windows Server IIS. In this article you'll learn how to install and setup IIS Manager in Windows 11/10 to manage your website(s).

Getting more out your Windows Performance Counters monitoring for web applications - part 3

Zabbix monitoring for your websites and ASP.NET applications in IIS using _Process Performance Counter.

Monitor IIS application pools in Zabbix, part 1

Here is a small introduction to query the number of running w3wp.exe processes per IIS application pool in Zabbix so you can start monitoring Microsoft Windows Server IIS with Zabbix.

ASP.NET web application monitoring in Zabbix, part 2

When you host multiple websites in IIS, and you need to monitor them, Zabbix is one of your options. In Zabbix, you can take advantage of Windows Server performance counters. And in this article I show you some important Windows performance counters you can use to monitor your ASP.NET web application in Zabbix.

Install OpenSSH in Windows Server

OpenSSH is an ideal and secure way of performing remote maintenance & administration on your servers. Even on Windows Server! :-)
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