Magento maintenance script for IIS
Important Magento maintenance, now for IIS too: optimize the speed and performance of your Magento ecommerce webshop by carrying out important maintenance. Remove old MySQL database log files and Magento cache data on a regular basis.
8 Tips to improve Joomla performance
Learn how to speed-up Joomla performance on Windows Server IIS using these 8 simple, but important, tips. Add caching, gzip compression, set your sessions & optimize MySQL database functions.
Minify JavaScript, CSS and compress images
Optimizing, minify and compressing JavaScript and CSS files, the easy and fast way? With YUI Compressor on the Windows-, Linux- and macOS command line of course! Compacting HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can speeds up your website because of smaller and faster downloads, parsing, and execution time.
Test SMTP Authentication and StartTLS
Investigate SMTP authentication issues like a boss! Particular over TLS encrypted SMTP connections, it's always handy if you are able to test the SMTP authentication and StartTLS connection. Preferably from your command-prompt.
Create your own PHP based Origin Pull CDN
The advantage of having your website content hosted on a Content Delivery Network (CDN) is having your content distributed and stored across the Globe. Utilizing the network of the Content Delivery Network provider. Hosting your WordPress website on a Content Delivery Network is an important WordPress optimization tip.
Cache MySQL query results with PHP WinCache
Learn how to cache and store the MySQL query result in your web server RAM memory, utilizing PHP WinCache or OPcache
MySQL query caching using PHP/Zend_Cache
By using the Cache.php PHP class of the Zend Framework, you can relatively easy cache MySQL query results to disk. This ensures faster consecutive results and speeds up execution.
Inexplicable COM+ error messages
The run-time environment has detected an inconsistency in its internal state.", in IIS 6.0 may be due to desktop heap exhaustion
windows-server (113)
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