Magento maintenance script for IIS

Published on Friday, 25 July 2014

Important Magento maintenance, now for IIS too: optimize the speed and performance of your Magento ecommerce webshop by carrying out important maintenance. Remove old MySQL database log files and Magento cache data on a regular basis.

Magento eCommerce Maintenance: Improve Webshop Speed & Performance

Clear Magento cache and MySQL log tables, perform regular Magento maintenance on IIS web servers for better performance. Magento Community Edition is a very popular ecommerce and webshop solution. And very bloated as we all know. Anywhere you run your Magento webshop, it's important to perform maintenance. Carrying out maintenance on a regular basis optimizes Magento performance.

Two of such important Magento maintenance tasks are clearing out and emptying the MySQL database cache and log tables (such as log_visitor, log_url), and Magento's file system cache directories in /var. Most scripts and solutions out there are for Linux- and Unix webservers only. I decided to modify a Magento maintenance script, to run on Windows Server and IIS too.

To optimize MySQL databases, it utilizes my MySQLi multi_query statement to optimize all MySQL tables in one statement.

Ask your hosting provider to schedule this script as a Windows Server scheduled task, for instance once a day, and you'll notice a speed improvement of your Magento webshop. Next, add support for WinCache and your Magento webshop is very, very fast. Even on IIS!


Magento. Photo credit: wmcclure333 via Flickr

Always_populate_raw_post_data setting in PHP 5.6 & Magento 2.0

Clear magento cache and log tables

Disclamer: this script is provided "AS-IS" and should not be put into production without testing! Save the following PHP code as maintenance.php and upload it to your web-root.

<?php/** * maintenance.php: * IIS Magento Maintenance Script *  * Run this script to optimize your Magento ecommerce webshop's MySQL  * database, by performing regular maintenance. For instance,  * schedule a Windows scheduled task to run  * and  * on a daily basis *  * Other versions exist @ * * *  * Modified 2014-07-25, Jan Reilink *  Converted ext/mysql statements to mysqli *  Added mysqli->multi_query to optimize all tables in one query * Modified 2014-07-01, Jan Reilink *  Fix for Windows IIS web servers, on which exec('rm -rf '.$dir)  *  doesn't function *  */if(isset($_GET['clean'])) {    switch($_GET['clean']) {        case 'log':            // perform maintenance on MySQL database log tables            clean_log_tables();        break;        case 'var':            // Clears Magento cache in var directory            clean_var_directory();        break;        default:            default_action();        break;    }}else {    default_action();}function clean_log_tables() {    $xml = simplexml_load_file('./app/etc/local.xml', NULL, LIBXML_NOCDATA);        if(is_object($xml)) {        $db['host'] = $xml->global->resources->default_setup->connection->host;        $db['name'] = $xml->global->resources->default_setup->connection->dbname;        $db['user'] = $xml->global->resources->default_setup->connection->username;        $db['pass'] = $xml->global->resources->default_setup->connection->password;        $db['pref'] = $xml->global->resources->db->table_prefix;                // the following MySQL database tables will be trucated (cleared)         // during maintenance        $tables = array(            'aw_core_logger',            'dataflow_batch_export',            'dataflow_batch_import',            'log_customer',            'log_quote',            'log_summary',            'log_summary_type',            'log_url',            'log_url_info',            'log_visitor',            'log_visitor_info',            'log_visitor_online',            'index_event',            'report_event',            'report_viewed_product_index',            'report_compared_product_index',            'catalog_compare_item',            'catalogindex_aggregation',            'catalogindex_aggregation_tag',            'catalogindex_aggregation_to_tag'        );                $mysqli = new mysqli($db['host'], $db['user'], $db['pass'], $db['name']);        if($mysqli->connect_error) {            die('Connect Error (' . $mysqli->connect_errno . ') '                . $mysqli->connect_error);        }                foreach($tables as $table) {            @mysqli->query('TRUNCATE `'.$db['pref'].$table.'`');        }    $query = "SELECT CONCAT('OPTIMIZE TABLE ',        GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(table_schema,'.',table_name)),';')         INTO @optimizecmd FROM information_schema.tables        WHERE table_schema=database();         PREPARE s1 FROM @optimizecmd; EXECUTE s1;";    $mysqli->multi_query($query);    $mysqli->close();            } else {        exit('Unable to load local.xml file');    }}function clean_var_directory() {   // the following website directories are emptied or removed    $dirs = array(        'downloader/.cache/',        'downloader/pearlib/cache/*',        'downloader/pearlib/download/*',        'media/css/',        'media/css_secure/',        'media/import/',        'media/js/',        'var/cache/',        'var/locks/',        'var/log/',        'var/report/',        'var/session/',        'var/tmp/'    );        foreach($dirs as $dir) {        delete_files($dir);    }}function delete_files($target) {    if(is_dir($target)) {        $files = glob($target . '*', GLOB_MARK);                foreach($files as $file)        {            delete_files($file);              }              rmdir($target);    }    elseif(is_file($target))    {        unlink($target);      }}function default_action() {    // Just return an empty 403 Forbidden response    return http_response_code(403);}?>

Magento Maintenance Schedule URI's

To perform automatic maintenance of your Magento webshop, to clear its cache, schedule the following URI's:

for which you can use wget or curl.

This Magento maintenance script is tested with Magento and Magento without problems.