Clear PHP opcode caches before WordPress Updates: ease the updating process
WordPress core-, plugin- and theme updates sometimes fail because of enabled opcode caches in PHP. Popular PHP opcode caches are OPcache, WinCache and APC. This little WordPress Must Use Plugin tries to flush opcode caches. Making your live a bit easier when updating WordPress Core, Plugins and Themes.
The WinCache effect: Save with object caching
WinCache, or Windows Cache Extension for PHP, is a PHP accelerator that is used to significantly increase the speed of PHP applications running on Windows Server IIS. Besides increasing the speed of PHP applications, WinCache decreases CPU usage making it a win win situation extension.
Optimized WordPress hosting (9+ practical tips)
Optimized WordPress hosting is a subject on which a lot is written about. And therefore, this post is not about where to host your WordPress blog, or who offers the best WordPress hosting. This post is for _you_ developers, what _you_ can do to optimize your WordPress hosting. Or for any other PHP web application for that matter.
Custom PHP version on IIS Express and WebMatrix 3
PHP 7 with OPcache in IIS Express for Microsoft WebMatrix 3, learn how to create your own PHP development environment easily with Microsoft WebMatrix and IIS Express and your own custom PHP version.
Magento maintenance script for IIS
Important Magento maintenance, now for IIS too: optimize the speed and performance of your Magento ecommerce webshop by carrying out important maintenance. Remove old MySQL database log files and Magento cache data on a regular basis.
8 Tips to improve Joomla performance
Learn how to speed-up Joomla performance on Windows Server IIS using these 8 simple, but important, tips. Add caching, gzip compression, set your sessions & optimize MySQL database functions.
Cache MySQL query results with PHP WinCache
Learn how to cache and store the MySQL query result in your web server RAM memory, utilizing PHP WinCache or OPcache
PHP with WinCache on IIS
In this article you'll learn how to install and set up PHP with the Windows Cache Extension (WinCache) on windows IIS web servers. WinCache enabled PHP gives a great PHP performance boost for your WordPress-, Drupal or Joomla website. This post will show you it's not hard to set up high performance PHP hosting on IIS.
MySQL query caching using PHP/Zend_Cache
By using the Cache.php PHP class of the Zend Framework, you can relatively easy cache MySQL query results to disk. This ensures faster consecutive results and speeds up execution.
windows-server (114)
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performance (28)
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iisnode (4)
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openssl (2)
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connector-odbc (2)
c (2)
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centos (2)
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deployment (2)
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sqlce (1)
tinymce (1)
Prianha-CMS (1)
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quic (1)
wmsvc (1)
database-mirroring (1)
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varnish-cache (1)
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