
Are you in my blocklist?

With just a few manual steps, you create your own little blocklist for WordPress in either a `.htaccess` or `web.config` file. Here are the IP addresses I'm currently blocking. Note, this list can get long (loooonnggg).

Query all WordPress posts in MySQL not having a Yoast SEO meta description

If you just started using Yoast SEO it's sometimes nice to know which posts don't have a meta description yet. Knowing this, you can add the description which is good for your SEO results. Here is a query you can use to query all posts in WordPress not having a Yoast SEO meta description yet. You can run this on your MySQL prompt or in phpMyAdmin.

Disable WordPress XCloner Plugin logger in MySQL / phpMyAdmin

If XCloner Logger option is enabled, it will store a log file inside the xcloner-XXXXX folder inside the backup archive. This can generate a huge amount of temporary files and log files, slowing down your file system.

How to Fix Yoast SEO for WordPress DeleteDuplicateIndexables MySQL error

A possible fix for Yoast broken DeleteDuplicateIndexables statement

Find vulnerable WordPress plugin versions fast using PowerShell

Use PowerShell to find vulnerable WordPress plugins on your Windows webserver fast, because on a daily bases, new vulnerabilities are found in WordPress plugins and you can count on the fact you have customers using that vulnerable version of that particular plugin.

Disallow direct access to PHP files in wp-content/uploads/

It's recommended to disallow access to and execution of PHP files in wp-content/uploads folder. Preferably without the use of a security plugin. Blocking access to PHP files in WordPress wp-content/uploads folder is easily achieved with .htaccess on Linux Apache, or `web.config` accesssPolicy in Windows Server IIS. And here is how.

Delete spam comments after three (3) days

Change Akismet interval to three days instead of 15 days for deleting spam comments using the akismet_delete_comment_interval filter

Reduce Wordfence CPU usage, disable Wordfence "Live Traffic View"

The Wordfence "Live Traffic Options" ("Traffic logging mode") feature can cause high CPU usage and load issues for WordPress websites.

Automatically flush Redis cache after publishing a WordPress post

Did you know you can automatically flush opcode caches like Redis when you publishing a post or page in WordPress? Doing so ensures you and your visitors see the newly created content immediately.

WordPress .htaccess security best practices in Apache 2.4.6+

Since Apache 2.4.6, a new module is used to configure and set up access control for websites: mod_authz_core. This means you have to use a different syntax for allowing or blocking hosts and IP addresses to your website.
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