How to determine if a SQL Server backup is compressed?
Compressed SQL Server backups can be verified in PowerShell using a handy PowerShell function. This comes in handy when you need to verify if existing SQL Server backups are compressed.
How to install Microsoft's SQL Server Driver for PHP
This post walks you through the steps necessary to install the SQL Server driver and SQLSRV extension for PHP 7+, on Windows Server IIS of course.
SQL Server versions list
How to identify your Microsoft SQL Server version, build and edition.
Configure SQLServer sessionState for Umbraco
This post explains how to prepare your Umbraco website for a high performance web garden or web farm, and load balancing environments.
Connect to SqlCe (SQL Server Compact) database from ASP
Here is how to install the Microsoft.SQLSERVER.CE.OLEDB.4.0 Provider and use classic ASP to connect to an SqlCe (SQL Server Compact) database sdf file, as a Microsoft Access database replacement.
Drop all tables, SPs, triggers, constraints and dependencies in one SQL statement
Drop all tables, SPs, triggers, constraints and dependencies in an SQL Server database in one SQL statement.
Connect to MS SQL Server with PHP 5.3+
Learn how to conditionally add Google Analytics tracking code to your WordPress Multisite
Umbraco CMS admin password reset
Did you forget your Umbraco admin password? Use the following SQL query to reset your Umbraco admin password in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or MySQL
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