Sysadmins of the North (Page 72)

WordPress plugin "In Over Your Archives" Call-time pass-by-reference fix for PHP 5.4

How to fix PHP Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in errors. The following PHP fix goes for nearly all PHP Call-time pass-by-reference errors: The WordPress plugin In Over Your Archives is a plugin to display your archive page in a nice way, just like on The plugin hasn't been updated in quite some time and breaks with PHP version 5.4:


How to load google-code-prettify syntax highlighting without plugins

If you run a WordPress blog where you display (parts of) source code, syntax highlighting is a must! It prettifies the code which makes it easier to read and it distinguishes code from text. However, most syntax highlighting is made available through plugins, and we all know too many plugins bring a lot of overhead to your blog. So, conditional load in WordPress: Load javascript only on posts in WordPress.


Configure SQLServer sessionState for Umbraco

Configure Umbraco for SQLServer sessionState storage, for your sessions. This post explains how to prepare your Umbraco website for a high performance web garden or web farm, and load balancing environments: Store your ASP.NET / Umbraco sessions out-of-process (OutProc). As opposed to the default in-process (inProc) sessions, where sessions are saved in the worker process.