Sysadmins of the North (Page 71)

Set or remove the read-only attribute assigned to files with PHP chmod

Chmod.php, change file attributes with PHP, to make files read only or normally accessible on Windows IIS servers. Sometimes you need chmod to make files read only on your website, or make them normally accessible in case they already are read only. For instance Drupal's settings.php configuration file, or WordPress Contact Form 7 temporary captcha files, are examples of read-only files.


How to compare MD5 and SHA1 hashes in MySQL

Some web scripting languages, such as classic ASP, don't have native string hashing functions - like MD5 or SHA1. This makes it quite difficult to hash or encrypt user supplied input, and to perform string comparison to compare hashes. Let's make MySQL do the string comparison and hash calculations for us!


Optimize all MySQL tables with PHP/MySQLi multi_query

The PHP MySQLi extension supports multiple queries, which are concatenated by a semicolon, with mysqli->multi_query. We use this to optimize all MySQL tables, in a single multi-query statement. Neat! Optimizing MySQL tables is important to keep tables small and fast. This boosts MySQL, PHP and website performance and we all love that, don't we? :)