Sysadmins of the North (Page 82)

Cache MySQL query results with PHP WinCache

In November 2011, I wrote a post about MySQL query caching with PHP/Zend_Cache, and I recently stumbled upon a blog post caching MySQL query results in memcached by "KutuKupret". This made me wonder if the same would be easily done with the Windows Cache Extension for PHP.


Calculate MySQL database size with PHP (off the old shelf)

Calculate the MySQL database size in PHP. Sometimes you'd be amazed what you find when cleaning out your old script archives. I found an old PHP script to calculate the size of a MySQL database. I post it here just for the fun of it.


Convert .htaccess to web.config

This post describes some of the IIS URL Rewrite Module web.config equivalents of commonly used Apache .htaccess settings. You'll learn how to translate .htaccess content to IIS web.config, this is useful when you need to migrate your website from Apache to Windows Server IIS. The second part of this post outlines how to use Internet Information Services Manager to import and convert .htaccess rules to web.config automatically.