Sysadmins of the North (Page 64)

Remove IIS Server version HTTP Response Header

Windows Server IIS loves to tell the world that a website runs on IIS. It does so with the Server: header in the HTTP response, as shown below. In this post I'll show you how to remove HTTP response headers in Windows Server IIS. You don't want to give hackers too much information about your servers, right?.


.svc WCF web service returns 404 Not Found on IIS 8

When a Windows Communications Foundation (WCF) web service returns a 404 Not Found error, after installing the HTTP-Activation feature in IIS, you might need to add an extra Handler to your IIS configuration.


8 Tips to improve Joomla performance

How to speed-up Joomla performance on Windows Server IIS: 8 important, but simple, tips to improve & speed up Joomla. Add caching, gzip compression, set your sessions & optimize MySQL database functions... Provide your visitors with a blazing fast Joomla website!