Sysadmins of the North (Page 57)

Disk Cleanup in Windows Server

Over time, as your Windows Server runs longer, more and more disk space is eaten. Simply gone! Investigating the disk usage leaves you clueless; there are no large log files, crash dumps, or there is no software to be removed. Where did that space go?


WMI/netsh to add DNS servers on network adapters

How to add DNS servers -or resolvers- to a Windows Server network adapter, or interface using WMI and the netsh command annd PowerShell. This one is quite old but may come in handy sometimes. In this example we use Google's Public DNS server addresses and localhost to add as DNS Servers on our server's interfaces.


DHCP on Windows Server 2012 using 169.254.xx.xx as server name

Problem: after installing a new Windows Server 2012 R2 machine with the DHCP role enabled, adding a DHCP server used a 169.254.x.x IP address as server name. Instead of the servers hostname...