Sysadmins of the North (Page 54)

Turn off swap

Swapping is costly for disk I/O and not every Linux server needs to have a swap partition and to start swapping. For instance, MySQL servers have more than enough RAM available to do their work. Yet, when a swap partition is enabled Linux starts swapping, and that degrades MySQL database performance.


Redirect HTTP to HTTPS

In this post I provide you various HTTP to HTTPS redirection methods, for Windows Server IIS and Linux Apache. Use these examples to your advantage to secure the traffic between your visitors and your website.


Software deployment through WDS

In my environment, I had to set up a new Windows Deployment Services (WDS) configuration for Windows 8.1 Enterprise. To roll out in our office (some 20+ workstations). I wanted to install some additional software at the same time, without using Microsoft Deployment Workbench, because I find the interface too slow. The solution? Read on...