Sysadmins of the North (Page 39)

Optimized WordPress hosting (9+ practical tips)

Optimized WordPress hosting is a subject on which a lot is written about. And therefore, this post is not about where to host your WordPress blog, or who offers the best WordPress hosting. This post is for you developers, what you can do to optimize your WordPress hosting. Or for any other PHP web application for that matter. This post is not about setting up high-availability, fail-over, clustering, IIS versus Nginx versus Apache, RAID 1, 5, 6, 10, different types of storage, and so on. It’s about solving performance issues.


WordPress advisory: Akal premium theme XSS vulnerability

Over the course of one week I had the opportunity to audit two hacked WordPress websites. I could quickly discover two vulnerabilities: a Cross Site Scripting, or XSS, in a premium WordPress theme Akal, and a Denial-of-Service in an undisclosed newsletter plugin. This post describes the Akal premium WordPress theme XSS vulnerability.


5 Extra ways to clean up disk space in Windows Server

Disk cleanup in Windows Server using DISM is one of the most popular posts here on It is still valid for Windows Server 2016 and up. So apparently, disk space usage is an issue in Windows Server. Which made me wonder: what more ways to clean up disk space in Windows Server are there?