How to stop and start application pools using VBScript and ADSI in Windows Server 2003 and IIS 6.0. The following VBScript locates all application pools in a stopped state and tries to start them. It does so by querying IIS' Metabase for all AppPool objects and their .State property. If the state is not running, then the application pool is started.
The VBScript code below is pretty much self-explanatory. It iterates over the metabase AppPool objects, finds out their .State value and start an AppPool if the state isn’t running.
Option Explicit
' Walk through IIS AppPools and print their AppPoolState
' Possible values for AppPoolState:
' 1 = starting
' 2 = running
' 3 = stopping
' 4 = stopped
' any other value =unknown
Dim ServerName
If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 1 Then
Wscript.Echo "No ServerName variable provided."
ServerName = Wscript.Arguments(0)
End If
ServerName = Lcase(ServerName)
Dim objAppPools, objAppPool
Set objAppPools = GetObject("IIS://" & ServerName & "/W3SVC/AppPools")
For Each objAppPool in objAppPools
Set objAppPool = GetObject("IIS://" & ServerName & "/W3SVC/AppPools/" & objAppPool.Name )
If objAppPool.AppPoolState <> 2 Then
Wscript.Echo objAppPool.Name & " is not running ok."
WScript.Echo objAppPool.Name & ", AppPoolState: " & objAppPool.AppPoolState & _
", Win32Error: " & objAppPool.Win32Error & " ("& hex(objAppPool.Win32Error)&")"
Wscript.Echo State2Desc(objAppPool.AppPoolState)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Wscript.Echo objAppPool.Name & " started."
End If
End If
' support function to translate numerical states into readable strings
Function State2Desc(nState)
Select Case nState
Case 1
State2Desc = "Starting"
Case 2
State2Desc = "Started"
Case 3
State2Desc = "Stopping"
Case 4
State2Desc = "Stopped"
Case Else
State2Desc = "Unknown state"
End Select
End Function
Set objAppPool = Nothing
Set objAppPools = Nothing
Save the script as startAllAppPools.vbs and use it as follows:
cscript.exe /nologo startAllAppPool.vbs [server_name]
Substitute [server_name]
with your webserver name.
Appcmd.exe or PowerShell equivalents
In IIS 7.0+ with appcmd.exe
or PowerShell you can achieve something similar, see for example:
- Start all stopped application pools that have Autostart set to true using PowerShell
- Set IIS Application Pool recycle defaults to Specific Times, not Regular Time Interval
- Recycle applicatiepools met PowerShell als deze een bepaalde scriptProcessor gebruikt (filter on a site's IIS scriptProcessor, sweet! :) - in Dutch)
Start a single application pool using VBScript
A short script to start a single application pool is:
Option Explicit
If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 1 Then
Wscript.Echo "No application pool name provided."
Dim AppPool
AppPool = Wscript.Arguments(0)
End If
' start an application pool
Sub start_app(applicationpool)
iisObjectPath = ("IIS://" & ServerName & "/W3SVC/AppPools/" & applicationpool)
Set iisObject = GetObject(iisObjectPath)
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
'ReportError ()
WScript.Echo "Error starting: " & ObjectPath
WScript.Quit (Err.Number)
WScript.Echo applicationpool & " started."
End If
Set iisObject = nothing
End Sub
Use this one like: cscript.exe /nologo startAppPool.vbs [appPool_name]
, and substitute "appPool_name" with the application pool you want to start.