
Windows 11/10 and WSL 2 DevOps environment

In this post I describe some of the settings and changes I made to make my Windows 10 and Ubuntu WSL into a fully fledged development environment. Here are the settings and tools I use for DevOps/SysOps on Windows.

How to display longer username in `ps`

Have you ever had the need to show the full username in ps output? Here is how. Normally in Bash, the ps output truncates an username to 7 characters and a \+ sign, e.g IUSR_60\+. In cases when you absolutely need the full username in ps, this can be pretty annoying. Here is how to display longer usernames in ps

Hugo development environment in WSL 2

Using WSL it is pretty easy to install Hugo, set up your development environment and configure Hugo to listen on your Ubuntu's IP address, here is how.

Bash function to generate a secure random alphanumeric string

You can use this Bash function in your .bashrc file to generate a random alphanumeric string easily. This comes in handy when you need to generate a long, secure password for example. Adjust to your needs.

Restore single MySQL table from a full mysqldump backup file

If you need to restore a single table from a full MySQL backup, you may find yourself wondering "how do I do that?". There are a few steps required, I outline them here for you to restore the contents of just one table back into the database from the mysqldump using Bash.


Release hold queue email in Postfix - postsuper

The `postsuper` command controls different types of queues in the Postfix mail system, like the deferred or hold queue. This post shows you some Postfix queue operations to maintain your mail servers.

Benchmarking WordPress, simple load & speed testing with ApacheBench

In this post I show you how you can benchmark the loading speed of your WordPress. For this you use ab, or ApacheBench. ab is a tool for benchmarking your Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server. It is designed to give you an impression of how your current Apache installation performs.

Recursive scp and symlinks

TL;DR, when using recursive scp, symbolic links aren't preserved and are copied as if they are normal directories. So you have to look for another solution to recursively transfer symlinks over ssh. Use Tar over ssh!

Generate pseudo-random passwords with OpenSSL

OpenSSL comes in handy when you need to generate random passwords, for example for system accounts and services. In this short post I'll give you a quick example on how to generate random passwords with OpenSSL in Linux (Bash), Windows and PHP.

Tunnel RDP through SSH & PuTTY

How to tunnel Remote Desktop over SSH with PuTTY? Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to perform remote administration on a Windows Server, and the RDP port 3389 is blocked on a firewall? You can tunnel RDP over SSH with PuTTY. This particularly comes in handy when there is no VPN available to the remote network...


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