PowerShell's Get-ItemProperty
From Get-ItemProperty on docs.microsoft.com:
cmdlet gets the properties of the specified items. For example, you can use this cmdlet to get the value of the LastAccessTime property of a file object. You can also use this cmdlet to view registry entries and their values.
Get-Item on docs.microsoft.com:
cmdlet gets the item at the specified location. It doesn't get the contents of the item at the location unless you use a wildcard character (*
) to request all the contents of the item.
I want to use this cmdlet to retrieve information about the software version, because I mostly use this to install software during deployments or updates. In my example I'll use the .NET Core 2.1 Runtime & Hosting Bundle for Windows (v2.1.3) dotnet-hosting-2.1.3-win.exe
Get file properties using PowerShell
How to use the Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-ItemProperty to work with file attributes. As said, I use this to install or update software during deployment or maintenance. Let's get some information about the file. The examples speak for itself.
PS D:\Users\janreilink> Get-ItemProperty Z:\deploy\packages\dotnetcore\dotnet-hosting-2.1.3-win.exe
Directory: Z:\deploy\packages\dotnetcore
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 8/22/2018 9:30 AM 96297912 dotnet-hosting-2.1.3-win.exe
PS D:\Users\janreilink> Get-ItemProperty Z:\deploy\packages\dotnetcore\dotnet-hosting-2.1.3-win.exe | Format-list -Property * -Force
PSPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::Z:\deploy\packages\dotnetcore\dotnet-hosting-2.1.3-win.exe
PSParentPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::Z:\deploy\packages\dotnetcore
PSChildName : dotnet-hosting-2.1.3-win.exe
PSDrive : V
PSProvider : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem
Mode : -a----
VersionInfo : File: Z:\deploy\packages\dotnetcore\dotnet-hosting-2.1.3-win.exe
InternalName: setup
OriginalFilename: dotnet-hosting-2.1.3-win.exe
FileVersion: 2.1.13126.0
FileDescription: Microsoft .NET Core 2.1.3 - Windows Server Hosting
Product: Microsoft .NET Core 2.1.3 - Windows Server Hosting
ProductVersion: 2.1.13126.0
Debug: False
Patched: False
PreRelease: False
PrivateBuild: False
SpecialBuild: False
Language: English (United States)
BaseName : dotnet-hosting-2.1.3-win
Target :
LinkType :
Name : dotnet-hosting-2.1.3-win.exe
Length : 96297912
DirectoryName : Z:\deploy\packages\dotnetcore
Directory : Z:\deploy\packages\dotnetcore
IsReadOnly : False
Exists : True
FullName : Z:\deploy\packages\dotnetcore\dotnet-hosting-2.1.3-win.exe
Extension : .exe
CreationTime : 8/22/2018 9:30:02 AM
CreationTimeUtc : 8/22/2018 7:30:02 AM
LastAccessTime : 8/22/2018 9:30:37 AM
LastAccessTimeUtc : 8/22/2018 7:30:37 AM
LastWriteTime : 8/22/2018 9:30:26 AM
LastWriteTimeUtc : 8/22/2018 7:30:26 AM
Attributes : Archive
Here you see a lot of important information about the file, such as its PSPath
PS D:\Users\janreilink> (Get-ItemProperty Z:\deploy\packages\dotnetcore\dotnet-hosting-2.1.3-win.exe).PSPath
Version description and information that we can query:
PS D:\Users\janreilink> (Get-ItemProperty Z:\deploy\packages\dotnetcore\dotnet-hosting-2.1.3-win.exe).VersionInfo.FileDescription
Microsoft .NET Core 2.1.3 - Windows Server Hosting
PS D:\Users\janreilink> (Get-ItemProperty Z:\deploy\packages\dotnetcore\dotnet-hosting-2.1.3-win.exe).VersionInfo.ProductVersion
PS D:\Users\janreilink> cd Z:\deploy\packages\dotnetcore\
PS Z:\deploy\packages\dotnetcore> If ((Get-ItemProperty .\dotnet-hosting-2.1.3-win.exe).VersionInfo.ProductVersion -gt (Get-ItemProperty .\dotnet-hosting-2.1.0-win.exe).VersionInfo.ProductVersion) {
Write-Host "This version is newer, let's install it"
You can read more about PowerShell comparison operators like -gt
in my PowerShell introduction.
You can also use CIM_DataFile class with Get-CimInstance. For example to find .NET's version:
Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_DataFile -Filter "Name = 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\dotnet\\dotnet.exe'" | select -ExpandProperty Version
It outputs something like: 7.0.1223.47720
Example: Installing software with PowerShell
Knowing these file properties, like the version numbers that I can use in scripting to compare, I can start installing Microsoft .NET Core 2.1.3. A nice PowerShell way is to use Start-Process
$dotnetcore = Z:\deploy\packages\dotnetcore\dotnet-hosting-2.1.3-win.exe
Start-Process -NoNewWindow (Get-ItemProperty $dotnetcore).PSPath -argument "/install /quiet" -Wait
Install .Net Core on Windows Server 2016 and up only:
if ( [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version -gt (New-Object System.Version "10.0" ) ) {
$dotnetcore = (Get-ItemProperty Z:\deploy\packages\dotnetcore\latest\*.exe)
Write-Host "Install $($dotnetcore.BaseName)"
Start-Process -NoNewWindow $($dotnetcore.FullName) -argument "/install /quiet" -Wait
Editing file properties like Last Modified Date
Learn how to calculate SHA-256 checksums in PowerShell to verify file integrity
Using Get-Item, you can change file properties as well. Suppose you want to change the file or folder's last modified date? Here is how to change timestamps on files:
PS C:\Users\janreilink\source\dev> Get-Item .\testfile.txt | %{ $_.LastWriteTime }
Monday, October 19, 2020 8:40:13 AM
PS C:\Users\janreilink\source\dev> Get-Item .\testfile.txt | %{ $_.LastWriteTime = '2020-10-10 08:50:00' }
PS C:\Users\janreilink\source\dev> Get-Item .\testfile.txt | %{ $_.LastWriteTime }
Saturday, October 10, 2020 8:50:00 AM
What we did was:
Get testfile.txt's LastWriteTime property, and re-set it to a date in the past by only assigning a date/timestamp for that LastWriteTime property.
Please note: some information is copied from the Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog post Use a PowerShell Cmdlet to Work with File Attributes. I put it up here for reference.